Saturday, September 6, 2014


Nothing is simple anymore.

A friend and I wanted to challenge ourselves and drove to a nearby picturesque lake where it is possible to walk the entire perimeter – 22 whole miles!!!  Okay, I know you marathoners are scoffing at this point – “That’s not even a whole marathon!” or “Don’t you know how many meters or “K” that is?”  Well, haters, since I will never ever contemplate the reality of running this kind of distance (Marathoners, you crazy!) I do love to walk and previously, after much carjockeying, had walked halfway (okay, Math people, that’s 11 miles) which was a challenge but a lot of fun.

Since 11 miles took 3 hours, I used my limitless math abilities to determine that 22 miles would take – wait for it – wait while I get out my calculator – okay, I got it – 6 hours!!! Well, Math has never walked 22 miles.  Apparently, we had way more ambitious people traveling with us on the 11 mile trek, and the two of us walk slower as we talk faster.

Also, an unusual interchange occurred with each person or persons we encountered on the trail.  Communication only consisted of a few comments because people are focused on walking or, in our case, their overtaking of us, but invariably every single, last person asked what we were walking FOR.

Like a cause, a benefit, or something.  Now I support all kinds of walks, runs, skips in all varieties of K’s, but is it now frowned upon to simply walk for walking’s sake?  Is this not a free country?  Am I frittering away my left-right (left-right-left) resources by not participating in a sanctioned event?

Speaking of events, earlier this summer I did participate (so there!) in a “sanctioned” walk for a cause.  You know, one of those where they throw various substances at the walkers – mud, beer, multi-colored liquids, money? (sorry, it’s for a cause, not me I get it) – and I never did quite figure out what the cause was – it was listed on the brochure as “survivorship” but isn’t that a little nebulous?  I mean that could be just waking up every morning – which believe you me I’m all for!

Anyway, I would like to support a new cause – the Just Be cause.  So, if I want to run, walk, crawl, sit, nap or pretty much anything, I CAN DO IT!  JUST BECAUSE!!  SEND ME MONEY!!  YOU CAN DO IT TOO!!  YOU’RE WELCOME!!!